Uzm.Dt.Halis Erdinç Kayabaşı
Orthodontic Specialist
He was born in Ordu in 1988. He studied his primary and preparatory education in Niksar Primary and preparatory School. 
He studied high school at Niksar Anatolian High School. After that he completed his undergraduate education at Gazi University Faculty of Dentistry in 2012, he passed the Specialization Exam in Dentistry and started his specialty education at the Department of Orthodontics at Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Dentistry. He completed his specialist education in 2018 with the thesis study "Comparative Analysis of Physical Changes Occurring in Vivo Conditions in Different Thermoplastic Retention Devices" and became an Orthodontic Specialist. He continues his profession at Tulay Akkol Oral and Dental Health Center. Her professional interests are functional therapies, invisalign transparent plaques, orthognathic surgery. And he is a member of TOD. He has participated in various congresses, symposia, seminars and courses in Turkey and abroad. After five years of dentistry education, the physicians who took the specialization exam of the Ministry of Health and YÖK and received a degree of practical and theoretical education between 4 and 5 years on average, after completing these trainings he took another exam which qualified him more for the title of orthodontic specialist.
Last Update : 06/02/2025