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Baby Bottle Rot

It is the type of caries that starts on the upper front milk teeth of babies and spreads rapidly after breastfeeding or during the process of putting them to sleep with a bottle. The sugar called LACTOSE in the structure of breast milk is a cariogenic (cariogenic) substance.

Milk teeth decay more easily than permanent teeth. These caries also cause aesthetic and functional losses in children, and cause crookedness by causing space shortage in the future. For this reason, it is necessary to apply the last breastfeeding or bottle feeding before the baby goes to sleep for a long night, and teeth should be brushed without toothpaste or with toothpaste recommended by the pedodontist until the age of 3.5-4 years.

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Baby Bottle Rot

Breast milk or cow's milk, which is the most important nutrient in infant nutrition, naturally contains sugar. If the baby sucks breast milk or a bottle before going to bed at night or during sleep, milk accumulates in the mouth and creates a favorable environment for tooth decay. Another form of bottle decay occurs as a result of taking long-term milk or formula with a bottle during sleep at night. Eating liquids rich in carbohydrates (free sugars) while the first teeth are erupting can also lead to severe tooth decay before the age of two.
Often, when the family notices the caries on the teeth, the caries is quite advanced and turns into a brown stain. In fact, these stains are dental caries and if this type of caries is not treated, it can even cause the teeth to break.
If the teeth with bottle decay are not treated, they cause pain and become inflamed. Inflamed or aching teeth cause the baby to become restless and disrupt the diet. Inflammation also affects the permanent teeth that will come from below, causing them to be deformed and even to have the teeth removed early. For this reason, treatment is important.
To prevent baby bottle rot; It is necessary to continue using a bottle for a maximum of 12-13 months, to use a bottle just before or during sleep, or to drink water immediately after the bottle if possible, and to brush teeth and gums regularly.
Giving bottles or pacifiers dipped in sweeteners such as honey, molasses, jam in order to silence crying babies, or foods containing carbohydrates and sugar, given to the baby to keep them entertained after teeth erupt, also cause baby bottle cavities.
The lesions, which form as white dots, will turn brown and have pitting if not treated in the early period.
Situations such as feeding the baby with a bottle during the night, using a cup with a mouthpiece at frequent intervals, and breastfeeding continuously, in other words, Early Childhood Caries negativity may occur.
Baby bottle caries seen in milk teeth, if not treated in a timely manner, will bring along various discomforts such as inflammation, abscess and infection around soft tissue. These negativities in the teeth can cause toothache, as well as permanent damage to the permanent teeth that will come from under the milk teeth. Therefore, the parent who encounters such a problem in their child should consult a physician without wasting time and have the child receive the necessary treatment.
Last Update : 06/02/2025